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Creative taking time for self reflection.
As a creative freelancer, you’re in love with the freedom it represents. We go on this journey of entrepreneurship with certain goals in mind. We don’t want to work for someone else. Adhering to their schedule and rules. We like to be our bosses to create our schedule. The problem with working on your terms is we often procrastinate. I have a problem with time management as a creative. I wanted to break down some tips on how to manage your time as a creative business owner.
When is the best time to work as a Creative?
There’s this idea that everyone who works as an entrepreneur has to wake up at 5 am to get things going. Not everyone is a morning person, even when they wake up early. A 9 - 5 pm schedule is good enough. I’m not a morning person so I understand a person not feeling their best at 9:00 am. Self-reflect on when you feel the most positive about working. Tailor your important task around that time. It might be 6 am or it could be 2:30 pm. But find the time that makes you work the best. Remember most of your clients are working normal work hours. When needed make adjustments to their schedules.
How can I avoid procrastination as a Creative?
Avoid procrastination by having a plan of attack. Every day you should begin to create a to-do list of what you want to accomplish. Either in a journal, planner or with an app. I love using the Moleskin Timepage and Actions app on my phone and iPad. I also enjoy writing notes and lists in this Moleskin Daily Planner. These apps work in conjunction with each other one being a to-do list and the other being a calendar. What’s great about these apps is they connect to your Gmail. I use it to keep my team updated on events and meetings. The layout is very clean and easy to use. Whatever you choose it’s great to stay organized. Write down your tasks so you follow through with them.
What should I tackle first with time management?
Do what’s most important first. If you’re anything like me its hard to focus. I get distracted with video games, researching new cameras, and scrolling on Instagram. When creating a list be honest with yourself and put the hardest and most important tasks first. Tackle that project and meet the deadlines to make your clients happy. Learn to focus on your workflow and it will guarantee better results.
Desk with computer on it.
How to handle self-care as a Creative?
It's important you schedule a time for self-care and doing nothing. Once you get good at planning out your day and schedule. It’s easy to overwork yourself which leads to emotional and physical burnout. Try to make time to disconnect from work and take a break to refresh and recharge your system. Examples are a digital disconnect from social media, working on a passion project, or going on a trip. Enjoy a few nonproductive days at least once a month. These purposeful breaks will help you focus on yourself and to better mental well being. Doing nothing can be a great way to step back and look at the whole picture of why you create and what matters to you.
Watch the Video Time Management For Creatives:
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